For me, nature is where man footprint is not visible or minimal, where mechanical or artificial sounds are not heard. it’s the places where I go to relax and find peace of mind. Every piece of nature is art of the universe. We as mankind try to tame nature, Nature is where it is still…
Author: Helina Jolly
Maree Constantinou, Australia
Nature to me is a place of simplicity & peace. A serene place to switch off from all the stresses & worries of the world. A tranquil place to unwind & appreciate the untouched things – flowers, trees, shrubs, mountains, lakes, beaches, oceans, etc. Mother nature at it’s best, in it’s purest forms! Nature to…
Lutfullah Azizi, Afghanistan
ستاسی په نظر طبعیت (چاپیریال) یعنی څه؟ چاپیریال یعنی هر هغه طبعی ماده چه په چاپیریال یا محیط کی وجود لری هغه ته طبعیت وایی . تول شیان چه ذاتی منځ ته راغلی ورته طبعیت ویلی شو مثلا ونی،بوټی، ځمکه، اوبه، هوا، ستوری، اسمان، حیوانات، غرونه،مرغان او داسی نور. چاپیریال ما لپاره دا معنی لری…
Muhammad Waqas Gujjar, Pakistan
Nature is watching stars at night before sleep, sitting under the shadow of a tree and watching animals graze, running in the rain, climbing steep mountains, boating in big rivers and travelling to empty lands. Nature is spending time with your family and friends. It is the love of the mother. Nature means appreciating everything…
Saruul, Mongolia
It is a mystery. It means you, me, us, and trillions of others. It is the beginning and the ending. It is harsh but soft, simple but beautiful, entropy but perfection. One cannot understand the true meaning of its value until he faces that day when he needs to pass this precious gift to his…
Bunu Ghimire , Nepal
For me, nature is grass, water, tree and everything around me it is life for me. There is nature in every breath we take, there is nature in every drop we drink therefore there is nature in every life that is alive. Nature remains a beautiful thing in the eye of many people like me….
Norah Mahlangu, South Africa
Nature is everything that naturally exits and is not created by humans; this includes the plants, animals, oceans and the landscapes that bring about balance to the ecosystem. Nature brings serenity, peace, and a moment to forget the forever busy world and connect with oneself. Having grown up in the Township of South Africa, there…
Yasmin Zeidan, Palestine/ Jordan
I think nature is what we see when we slow down. During this past summer, I went on a road trip with my family throughout California. We took the “1” highway from San Francisco to Santa Barbara. The views were unparalleled to anything that I have seen before ( The picture inserted above). With no…
Idowu Ogundipe, Nigeria
I live in the city of Lagos. Thus, I don’t get to see the sunset or sunrise, nor can I count or see the stars due to the skyscrapers and high buildings typical of urban cities. Anytime I need to clear my head or meditate, the first place I think of is the beach, lakes,…
Carol Shan, China
静心 虽然现在大部分时间都是在城市中度过,但是自然总是有一种使我心境平和的神奇力量。漫步于山野之中,聆听潺潺流水奏响美妙乐章;驰骋于草原之上,远眺牛羊成群;仰躺于金色沙滩,享受温暖日光浴——这些大自然的慷慨馈赠不仅令人流连忘返,而且还给人从平日忙碌中脱身的机会,彻底身心放松。 自知 地球,这个宇宙中的蓝色星球,历经四十六亿年漫长时光,成为孕育无数生命的家园。自古至今,尽管人们一直在尝试征服自然:立志登上珠穆朗玛峰制高点,渴望探索海洋最深处,观测地心脉动…但在它面前,人类力量依然十分渺小,那未揭开的神秘面纱,吸引人们探索更多。 启迪 人们曾经有过和大自然和平相处的时期,比如刀耕火种的原始时代,但这种平衡早就随着科技的进步和对提高生活环境的需求而一去不复返。电影《巨齿鲨》中的一句话令我印象深刻:“我们一边探索,一边毁灭”。它反映了现代人类是如何破坏环境:乱砍滥伐,水污染,物种灭绝等等。我们不得不面对的现实是,如果不立刻采取行动,我们的后代将无法看到那曾令我们和先辈惊叹不已的自然之美。 Nature brings me peaceful mood I spend most of my time in cities, but it is the natural beauty that calms me down. I am completely relaxed when I hike in the countryside with hearing waterfalls lapping against the rocks, wander around grasslands with seeing groups of sheep and…