Ricardo Pelai, Bolivia

Nature to me means life, connection, and mystery. Life because we are surrounded by a variety of living organisms (plants, animals, humans, etc.) that together make for incredibly dynamic ecosystems that have a life of their own as well. Connection because I think nature elements are linked (either directly or indirectly), and are in many…

Grecia Bárcena , Mexico

Nature means peace, a place to be with myself without being judged. Nature is where time doesn’t exist and where Wi-Fi is not the way to connect. My door to inspiration, adventure and connection to a common culture, life.  Follow me  at Insta: @unfilteredcultures

Alejandra Echeverri, Colombia

La Naturaleza es el lugar donde lo que parece surreal, es verdaderamente posible y tangible. La Naturaleza es aquel lugar donde el canto de un turpial, la risa de un chimpancé, o el croar de una rana, me recuerdan que este mundo no es mío. Que soy visitante en una tierra que no es solamente…

Robin Suyesh, India

Observing nature gives me spiritual experience. When I am out in the forest making observations I become happier, relaxed and focused. Life in a city is nothing like living in a nature reserve, where there are plenty of options to rest our eyes on something amazing and beautiful. I am fortunate to have travelled to…

Diana Won, USA

Nature is the open sky, clouds drifting overhead. All the beautiful places in the world are connected by the same sky. Living in Brooklyn, New York, I am grateful for the tree that faces my window, and  for the expansive view of river and park from my office building, amid the skyscrapers. Nature centers and…

Reizl Pamaong Jose, Philippines

Nature is the bassinet of life.  It nurtures life on its bosom by providing the very basic of its needs.  From the air that we breathe, the water that quenches our thirst, the food that gives us strength and sunshine that keeps us warm.  Nature also provides life protection, so that even the tiniest species…

Yehee Kim (Alice), South Korea

자연에 그리 깊게 생각해 볼 기회는 많이 없었던 것이 사실입니다. 마치 습관처럼 자연을 아끼고 보호하겠다는 마음은 있지만 딱히 이렇다할 실천을 하지 못하는 것도 현실입니다. 이번 겨울, 어느 겨울과 다름 없던 지난 세 달이 이렇게나 길게 느껴졌던 이유는 아마도 봄이 온듯 안 온듯 자주 바뀌는 날씨 때문이었을 겁니다. 날씨가 풀린듯 하니 오는 눈과 비 떄문에 일과…

Yaki Wo, New Zealand

Nature is a source of joy, amazement and relaxation, a constant reminder of our significance and insignificance, of what we know and don’t know, of resilience and fragility.For me , nature is looking in awe at the similarity in colour of the blue pinkgill mushroom and the blue wattles of the kokako bird; it is…

Aparna Eswaran, India

Certain fever nights, high on antibiotics and sleepless, I coax my husband Ananth to tell me his childhood tales, when in reality I just want him to stay awake with me. We have had entirely different memories; He was raised in Idukki in a house that overlooked a river amidst verdant hills and I was…

Janice Mack, Canada

When I think about nature I think about my childhood in Saskatoon. Of the brutal winters, and how my siblings and I would spend hours each day building snow forts in the back yard. In the spring, we would giddily bike through rain storms and puddles. In the summer, I would run terrified from the darting…