Damayonti Sengupta, USA

If I hear the word, “nature,” I immediately think of parks and mountains, being close to the earth, smelling the trees, flowering plants, dirt and hearing the birds. I can feel myself somewhere out side in a Seattle park or in the woods. There is a seeming external component to nature as if I have to leave the city, or at least my home to “get to nature.” However, upon reflection, as I look up at my favorite plant inside the house, glance out the window to the grasses and herbs on the balcony and further out to the large fir trees and various birds flying around, I think…nature is our whole environment. In cities, much of the natural land is covered up by structures constructed by cement, pavement, wood, etc. We try to keep animals and insects at bay. We say they have their place and humans have another. But, really, the earth is the natural  home to many many beings. We can’t be separated from nature, nature surrounds us, we are of nature.

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