Chula Morel-Seytoux, USA

I have heard that some physicians give the prescription”:Take no medicine or pills, but but be sure to walk every day for 1 hour in Nature” (a park, the wilderness, beach, desert,or woods) What a wonderful prescription!  Nature for me is a treasure and most often it is free! Nature touches me in positive ways: physically, mentally and spiritually.  I can look up and see a painting of a pink and orange sunset. I can look down and marvel at a bright yellow buttercup with 12 glossy petals. I can stand tall and try to be as erect as the giant Redwoods, I can smell fragrant eucalyptus leaves as they rustle in the wind. I can run in the sand feeling both joy and exhaustion in my body or I can stretch out and sleep in a sunny meadow listening to the gurgle of a stream. I can taste wild sweet strawberries.or feel nettles tingle on my skin. Yes, nature is a treasure and means much to me.

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